
Caren Stelson



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Searching for Peace


Greetings from Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi:
Caren Stelson and Sachiko’s
translator from Nagasaki

This past November, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to trav­el to Nagasaki again to vis­it Sachiko Yasui. I also had a chance to recon­nect with my good friend Dr. Takayuki Miyanishi, Professor of Environmental Science at Nagasaki University and pres­i­dent of the Nagasaki-Saint Paul Sister City Committee. Dr. Miyanishi was also Sachiko Yasui and my translator

Folded Dove

Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard:
A Necessary Story for Our Time

Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard is a film for everyone—teachers, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, peo­ple of faith, peo­ple with big hearts—and world lead­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly our world lead­ers. Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard will help all of us under­stand the unimag­in­able destruc­tion of nuclear war and the pow­er of kind­ness and gen­eros­i­ty to cre­ate path­ways to peace. I came


A New Audience for Sachiko: Doctors

This August, I was invit­ed to Madison, Wisconsin to share Sachiko Yasui’s sto­ry of sur­viv­ing the Nagasaki atom­ic bomb. The Women’s International League for Peace and Justice and Physicians for Social Responsibility were my hosts. I thor­ough­ly enjoyed speak­ing at Madison’s “Lanterns for Peace” event and at the Central Library, but the most sur­pris­ing venue

Kevin McGhee

“All Real Living is Meeting“
Meet Kevin McGee

Philosopher Martin Buber has a quote I admire: “All real liv­ing is meet­ing.” Lately, I’ve tak­en that quote to heart and have start­ed ask­ing col­leagues for inten­tion­al con­ver­sa­tions around top­ics we both believe are impor­tant. Last week, I asked Eden Prairie teacher Kevin McGee if we could go out to din­ner and talk about something

Hiroshima Doll

Paying It Forward

In 2012, while work­ing on my research for SACHIKO, I received a Kawase Family Scholarship to trav­el to Hiroshima. The schol­ar­ship stip­u­lat­ed that I would attend two events:  the inter­na­tion­al Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6, the anniver­sary of the atom­ic bomb­ing of the city, and Hiroshima City University’s week long Peace Symposium. My


Can a Children’s Book Change the World?

On Wednesday, May 17, I had an author’s expe­ri­ence that turned into an author’s gift. I was invit­ed to Valley View Middle School in Edina, Minnesota, to hear what 7th grade stu­dents had to say about my book Sachiko. Valley View media spe­cial­ist Heather Palmer gath­ered the 7th graders into the library for our book


Sachiko Yasui and Jane Addams, Teachers of Peace

Sachiko: A Nagasaki Bomb Survivor’s Story is the 2017 win­ner of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award for books for old­er chil­dren. When I got the phone call from Heather Palmer, chair of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Committee telling me of the award, goose­bumps ran up and down my arm. Her e‑letter of congratulations


Let Our Voices Be Heard

When I first received an invi­ta­tion to the Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville to par­tic­i­pate on a pan­el titled, “Nuclear War: Survivors, Resistors, and Current Perils,” I hes­i­tat­ed. Of course, it would be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share my book Sachiko with a new audi­ence. Amnesty International and the Charlottesville Center for Peace and


A Call to Action

What is peace? What kind of per­son do I want to be? Pursue answers to these ques­tions. These were the last words Sachiko Yasui shared with me for our book before I sent in my man­u­script to edi­tor Carol Hinz at Carolrhoda/Lerner Publishing Group. Sachiko’s words also have been ring­ing in my ears ever since I wrote